Make This Year’s Mid Week Valentines Day Extra Sweet
This year, Valentine’s Day falls on a Tuesday. So, having a romantic night out might not be in the cards. However, there is nothing stopping you from giving your love(s) a mid week treat that shows them how much you care.
If you have ever been out to eat on February 14th, there is a very good chance chocolate lava cake was on the menu. Many times, the server will even point it out when you order your meal because if you want it, the kitchen needs to be told in advance. So, of course, you commit before you have even sipped your cocktail to that delicious little cake that oozes molten chocolate out all over the dish.
While it might seem like magic, it’s really just an undercooked brownie. So, if you, like me, love that dessert, I’m here to tell you it can be made at home in under a half hour, start to finish. It only has five ingredients! The most complicated part, is making sure you really grease up the ramekin so that it pops out on the dish when its time to serve.
So, if you are staying in this year, and might even be serving a ho hum dinner as it’s a weekday and the kids have activities and homework, you can still dazzle everyone with this spectacular little dessert. I splurge and buy the fancy store gelato to serve alongside and a few berries for color. You can alter the amount of milk to bittersweet chocolate based on your crowd (kids usually like more milk, adults more bittersweet). Just make sure you have one cake for each person because this is one dessert even your valentine will not want to share!
**Tip – you can make mix up batter and pour into ramekins ahead of time. Then, ½ hour before cooking, place them on the counter to return to room temp before placing them in the oven to cook.
Chocolate Lava Cake
Prep time : Total time:
1 stick unsalted butter + 1 teaspoon for each mold
5 ounces chopped chocolate, I do 50/50 milk chocolate to bittersweet
4 large eggs, at room temperature
¼ cup sugar
4 teaspoons AP flour + 1 teaspoon for each mold
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
- In a double boiler, combined the butter and chocolate. Simmer water until all is melted. Remove from the stove and mix until fully combined.
- Allow to cool while you butter and flour the ramekins. If you are nervous, use baking spray with flour to ensure full coverage. Place ramekins on a baking sheet.
- In a small bowl, combine eggs and sugar. With a hand mixer, blend until eggs have turned light and ribbons form when you move the mixer back and forth. At least 5 minutes. Do not under mix.
- Add flour to the chocolate butter mixture and begin whisking. In a steady, slow stream, add the eggs and chocolate together. A little at first to cool down chocolate to the point that the eggs do not scramble.
- Once fully combined, pour equal amounts into the 4 ramekins. Make sure do leave a little room as they will puff a bit. Do not overfill.
- Bake for 7 to 8 minutes. They should seem a bit raw in the middle when you remove from the oven. Then, they should sit for at least 2 minutes before you place a dish on top and flip. I like to run a hot butter knife along the edge so they really do flip out of the ramekin.
- Serve immediately. Can be topped with powdered sugar, raspberries and served with gelato.
Buon Appetito!
Chocolate lavA Cake, step by step.